
During this time of school closure, we are ensuring that learning can continue in a variety of ways, however our role has inevitably changed to that of facilitating learning through providing work and activities, and supporting pupils through messages.  We will rely heavily on parents and guardians over the next period of time, to ensure children engage with the provided activities and contact us for support where needed.  Together, we can ensure all pupils continue to learn during this time of great uncertainty.


School Advice:

It is best to keep your child in a school-style routine.  Get them up and dressed in the morning, then begin some learning after breakfast.  Take breaks, as they would if they were in school, and work through a variety of activities (literacy and numeracy should be covered each day.)  Incorporate some creative learning where possible - for example craft and art activities or some music or physical activity.  Pupils work best in the morning and afternoon, so leave evenings free for hobbies and fun.  Pupils are not expected to work over weekends or planned school holidays.


School provision:

All classes have compiled learning packs, which have either been sent home with pupils in attendance on the last day, or left in the school office for collection.  It is very important that pupils have these pack at home with them.  They contain activities for pupils to complete as well as the pupil's C2K password (see below) and SeeSaw home learning code (see below).

C2K password: 

This password allows the pupil to log on to the school system.  Simply search for 'My School' login and you will be asked to enter the pupil's username and password.  If entered correctly, you will be taken to the pupil's home page - from here pupils can use newsdesk ( a great literacy resource with up-to-date news) and Fronter (an app being used by some classes to set work and hold discussions - mainly in KS2) 


*If a password is typed incorrectly 3 times, the account will lock.  It will unlock after a few hours or you can contact your child's teacher and they have it unlocked by the C2K manager in school.

*Passwords and usernames are case sensitive so make sure you put capitals in the correct places.


Many parents will already have connected to SeeSaw.  This remains a great way for school to keep you up-to-date.  

We are also using SeeSaw to assign tasks to pupils.  Pupils have a SeeSaw code in their pack, or they have previously been given a code.  This is a home-learning code and it is different to the parent code.  If parents already have the SeeSaw app, they can log out and then scan your child's code to allow them to connect to the class as well.  When the teacher assigns activities - your child will be able to see them, complete them and respond to the teacher with answers or questions etc.

If you have not been using the SeeSaw app, you need to begin by downloading SeeSaw.  You should now be able to scan your child's code and connect to the class. 


*Ensure you have the most up-to-date version of SeeSaw and no updates are required.

*If the code will not scan, you can manually type in the code (a series of letters etc. found on the page.)

*Check the SeeSaw help page https://help.seesaw.me/hc/en-us/categories/115000881123-Families